About Us

Business & Marketing

Professional Courses

Hospitality & Tourism

Health & Safety

Increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere

Founded in 2018, we are an online learning destination offering high-quality courses from the world’s best institutions to learners everywhere. With more than 10 global partners, we are proud to count the world’s leading institutions as our members. We are licensed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Qatar.  We to play the role of a valuable Online learning partner of working professionals through virtual and distanced learning pathways made possible by the unique combination of practical industry knowledge integrated with general management skills. We are dedicated to meet the educational needs of working professionals and prepare them to realise business and career opportunities.

Our Global Learning Community

Our students come from every country in the world! Whether you are interested in IT, Psychology, Hospitality, Aviation, Languages, Designing, Business or Marketing, we have the course for you! Enroll today and learn something new.

The online environment provides a powerful platform to conduct experiments, exploring how students learn and how faculty can best teach using a variety of novel tools and techniques.

We Help You Expand
Your Career


We were founded by and continue to be governed by ICON Training Centre Qatar. We are a leading qualification provider that is both nonprofit and open source.